LeMall.com e-commerce website / mobile site cover page revamp

Let the customer have a better understanding of the TV product, so as to create several pages to decribe the details information, as well as the functional of the product page, more for the hardware designs, the content and the specifications.

Revamp page bring a better user experience for online shopping

Desktop / mobile version of website

LeMall.com with different platform showcase

A shopping mall with desktop and mobile version, so as to fulfill many categories of selling products, we have promotional banner advertisement and variety of hot product promotion.

Revamp on the cover page

The cover page with different section and promotion area and different catagories of products, so as to make the clients have better shopping experiences.

Menu Navigation

Icon for menu

Stylish theme product catagories

The cover page with different section and promotion area and different catagories of products, so as to make the clients have better shopping experiences.

LeMall.com e-Commerce website/ Mobile site
Index Page revamp

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